We’ve all been there. It’s time to come up with a new episode and…nothing. You’ve chosen a topic for your microcast because it’s something you are knowledgeable and passionate about, and yet – inspiration is dead on its feet. What to do? Here are a few tips that have helped me and hopefully will help you as well.
First, see what’s trending on the news or Twitter. I’ve noticed a lot of microcasters tying their microcasts to current events, and it’s a great way to stay relevant while expanding your reach. Remember, anytime you can add a trending hashtag to your tweets, it gets more views. So pop onto Twitter and see what’s up if you need some inspiration. It might be a stretch, but you can usually find something that will apply to your topic. And if you see a news story related to their genre that you think would inspire a fellow microcaster, by all means, send them the link! That’s what friends are for.
Next, ask for input. Tell your friends, family, fellow microcasters, followers on social media – “I have a microcast on this topic. What are some questions you would have for me? What would you like to hear about?” This will both give you ideas and help make sure you are delivering information to your audience that is appealing and relevant to them. Make sure to give whoever inspired a particular episode a shoutout, tag them on social media, etc. It’s also a good way to give your microcast a little more exposure, as people like to share things that relate to them personally.
You can always look at holidays for inspiration. Trust me, there’s one out there related to your topic. Angelibean keeps a running commentary on these at c/obscureholidays. And unless your microcast is about something very, very unique, you can almost always find a way to tie it into the major holidays as well. Look at it as a way to stretch your imagination a bit and expand your reach.
Make sure you write down ideas that pop into your head. I have topics that come to mind, but if I don’t write them down, poof – into the ether they go. If you’re reading a book or watching a movie or TV show, keep your eyes peeled for anything related to your cast. Write it down, and use it as a springboard for your imagination.
Think outside the box – say you’re watching Game of Thrones (yes, yes, I know, it’s all over now). There is fashion, female oppression and empowerment, history, power struggles, and so much more that can relate to a bunch of different topics – depending on how you look at it. Not to mention that, if you can tie your microcast into a popular movie or show, you can use the relevant hashtags to bring your show to the attention of a larger group of people. Once you get used to watching for things related to your cast, it will become second nature, and you’ll be surprised by how much you notice.
In summary, coming up with new ideas can be hard. But it can be fun as well! See what works for you and what sparks your imagination. If you have any tips for the rest of us, leave a comment, and share your secrets. We’ll be grateful, I promise.
Category: Uncategorized
Cast of the Week XIX
Welcome to the 19th Cast of the Week awards!
You can find this week’s nominees can be found at https://ykyz.com/f/cotwxix.
First, a few words from u/Mattasher for some super important information.
Site news
We are currently redoing our new user experience on the site, to improve first impressions and provide a more intuitive way for people to get up to speed with how to use ykyz and what we have to offer. We are hoping to roll out that change within the next two weeks.
Now, back to u/ThatOneGirl to announce the winners this week. But first, a shoutout:
Shoutout to Brown Skin Pearls for surpassing her 200th episode this week!
Runners up:
157. Fill your cup first… by Voluptuous Voyager
In this episode, Asi the Voluptuous Voyager shares her thoughts on some recent advice being passed along social media that, “once this trying time is over, remember who checked in on you.” Asi ends with the great quote, “You want to come with your cup full, my cup runneth over. What comes out of the cup is for you, what is in the cup is for me.” It is a powerful reminder to take care of ourselves too, not just looking in on others.
121. Voice and 145. My Content is Apparently Against YouTube’s Policies by Just Thinking Aloud
Mark has two insightful episodes this week. In the first one, he questions the real reasons why so many people have a fear of speaking up in public settings. In the second one, he explains why he chooses to use his voice on the ykyz platform instead of other well-known ones. In the end, it all comes down to the core values of ykyz being freedom of speech and not censoring its users for having and sharing their views on matters – even if they are a less popular opinion.
Bleat of the week:
Introducing yourself by gender, race, or sexuality in a public forum is detestable. by The Mini Devlow Show
In the most popular bleat last week (to, ironically, c/unpopular), Devlow shares his opinions on the trend of introducing yourself by “labels” first. In just under a minute, he explains that in most cases it shouldn’t matter what groups you identify with just to share a thought or two with the world.
Second prize:
18. Do you believe in ghosts? by PracticalMagic
Practical Magic shares her and her husband’s experience while looking at a house they were interested in buying. Their personal opinions on haunted houses, mixed with an old wives’ tale that “a ghost in a house brings wealth,” have her wondering if others believe in ghosts. She invites everyone to share their personal ghost stories with her.
First prize:
272. The Desire to Experience a “high” by Doctor Irish
Doctor Irish gets straight to the point in this episode. He wants everyone to know that people can have behavioral addictions to almost anything. A person can become so addicted to “normal day” activities that they start to experience withdrawal symptoms when they try and curb the behavior that gives them the “high” they are after.
Why do you use it?
Have you ever explained YKYZ to someone, and they said, “But WHY do you use it?” Maybe you have answers that just roll off the tip of your tongue, but for the rest of us, here is a quick cheat sheet:
It is the friendliest site out there.
How many social media sites can say this? YKYZ is friendly. The users are engaging, supportive, and thoughtful. You do not leave the site feeling like you have just stepped on someone’s toes and you should avoid them for the foreseeable future or wonder if you somehow offended someone. (although if you did, there’s always c/apologies)
You can talk it out.
Having a conversation with someone by voice chat is different from having a text conversation. You can hear the tone of their voice, which is a big plus – texts can be so hard to interpret sometimes. No need to hunt up the perfect emoji to convey your thoughts – your listener can tell if you are happy, sad, or just plain mad.
You can multi-task!
Okay, judging by the exclamation point, this is a big one for me. It is so nice to be able to both listen and reply without having to be tied down to a keyboard. Yes, you obviously must pay some attention to the site, but I can get so much more done when I do not have to type out and read every response.
There is so much variety.
On other social media sites, you tend to follow people who are like you or have similar interests. On YKYZ, it is just one feed with every single user. No one is left out. Due to this, I have listened to, and enjoyed, microcasts on topics that I would not necessarily have thought I would be interested in. There is something here for everyone.
You do not have to spell.
Okay, this is a bit of a gag reason, but seriously – you can just talk away and not worry about how to spell a word. Unless you are not sure how to pronounce something – then you are on your own. You also do not have to worry about auto-correct changing your words to something awful – you can say what you mean, and it’s not misunderstood.
It is a community.
Granted, YKYZ is still small, and the sense of community is likely possible in a slight measure because of this. However, one thing I have noticed is that people on the site genuinely care about others. If someone is struggling or having a bad day, people go out of their way to support them. There is no negativity – just positive vibes.
It is slightly addicting.
Yes, this falls under good things. Especially when we are mostly stuck inside, it is easy to fall down rabbit holes. If you are on social media, you do not often emerge feeling better. This is why we go on YKYZ – there are so many channels and conversations that you can kill an hour on the site and not feel bad because it’s not a waste of time – you engaged in (mostly) intelligent conversation, and made a connection with real people.
I am sure you can add more to the list, but these are just a few of the reasons why I enjoy the site. What are yours?
Picking the Perfect Title
The title of your microcast is like the thumbnail on a video or the first line of a news article. If it doesn’t look interesting, it won’t matter how good your microcast is, people are less likely to check it out. But how do you come up with the right title? One that is interesting, but not pure clickbait, and one that summarizes up your microcast in one short phrase? Here are a few tips that might help, although I do not by any means consider myself an authority – I spend more time trying to pick a title than I do writing my scripts.
Make it catchy
First, try to make your title catch the listener’s attention. “Laundry Time” is simple and to the point, but probably won’t get much traction. Instead, try “Ways to Make Laundry Easier”, or “The Best Way to Wash”. This is helpful because it tells the listener that you have something worthwhile to say – this isn’t just a rant about laundry. If they click on it, they might learn something that will be useful to them. And it just sounds more interesting.
Ask a Question
People love to give their opinion. You know what they love even more? To be asked to give their opinion. Make your title into a question. “Do You…” “Have You Ever…” “Did You Know…” For what it’s worth, I’ve found vague questions do better. “Have you ever done this?” gets more interest than “Have You Ever Skydived?” People want to know what the “this” in the title is, and so they listen. It’s also a good idea to ask a question occasionally during your microcast episodes, even if it’s just a simple one. These are all ways to pull the listener in.
Use a Little Clickbait
Obviously, you’re not going to be lying to your listeners, or promising something you don’t deliver on. But it doesn’t hurt to bait the hook with a few extra worms sometimes. It’s fine to inflate the importance of something in your microcast, as long as you keep it interesting, and don’t shortchange your listeners. And remember, it’s your microcast. You’re excited about your topic, right? So put a little of that over the top excitement out there and convey it to your audience.
Sometimes, you have to get creative. Try asking your friends to listen to your episode, or read it if you’ve written a script, and suggest a title for it. Bonus: this gets you some more exposure! Another way to think of a title – pretend you’re playing charades, except with words. What words would you use to describe the microcast episode? Get it down to the basics, then you can enlarge your title from there.
Go for Broke
Don’t be afraid to go for something a little confrontational, or maybe unpopular. As long as you are civil and kind about something, putting a bit of zing into your title can get you more listens as well. Again, this is a tactic that draws people in. A bit of debate, a chance to give one’s opinion – all ways to entrance your listeners.
Last, make sure the title is easy on the eyes. Make sure you’re following the YKYZ protocol – all titles should look like this – 1. Episode Title. Number, period, title. This makes the site look uniform and makes everything mesh well together. Next, try to keep your title short(ish). Yes, people can hover over the title to see the entire thing, but what if they don’t? You want to catch their attention, and the less they have to do, the better. Feel free to use an emoji here and there to make your title stand out, or fit in with something relevant to your episode. Less is more here, though, unless you’re playing c/emojisentence.
Having said all that, don’t overthink this. Write your script, record your episode, and put a title on it. If you see another microcast, or even an article or video online with a catchy title, take note. What caught your eye? What can you learn from that? Practice makes perfect, and over time, it gets easier. At least that’s what they tell me. So keep at it, and remember to have fun!
YKYZ – back to the future.
In times when censorship on the internet is on the rise, personal data privacy is non-existent and ads bombard us from everywhere, it seems we need to take a break from all that. We need to “restart” the internet. Keep its technological advances that we have nowadays, but go back in time when the web was fun, light, not touchy, and not under the boot of Big brother.
This is where ykyz might come in for you. We bring the best of the past by jumping directly into the future with decentralization.
Ykyz might actually turn out to be a manifestation of the future, a prophecy of what is coming. Chances are it would be the new Twitter in audio format. Podcasts will definitely stay with us, Joe Rogan will most likely stay on the top of Youtube for more time to come.
But microcasting could be the new diamond in the dirt that hasn’t been found yet that will shine soon. You have 90 seconds max to get your point across. Not as quick to assimilate and comprehend as tweets are as eyes need a few seconds only, but way more engaging.
We do not see the face of the messenger, only their face. I assume this is one of the reasons why literally everybody has been so genuinely nice and friendly on our platform, regardless of the topic or the contradictory opinion. We unconsciously focus on the message rather than the messenger, leaving no grounds for ad hominems. You might argue that it is the exact same case with Twitter, yet Twitter is the perfect place to be a prick and indulge in an emotional, senseless Twitter war. With microcasting we still receive some close and intimate impression that there is an actual human being on the other side of the cable (or wi-fi), despite not seeing their face. Voice seems to be The Great Balancer.
Getting Started On YKYZ
This week’s topic was suggested by DoctorIrish – thanks for the suggestion! I know there are quite a few people just starting their microcasts, so I’ve used his ideas and hopefully gathered them all into a coherent-sounding post.
First, and most importantly, welcome to YKYZ! You’ve probably noticed we’re friendly and supportive, but it can still be overwhelming when you are just starting out with your microcast. Trust me, we’ve all been there. I don’t think any of us look back at our first microcasts with anything approaching pride, but remember, practice makes perfect! It takes time to build a good microcast, especially if this is your first rodeo. I hope the following strategies will be of some help.
When deciding on your microcast topic, make sure it’s something that you can see yourself talking about for quite some time. While you are certainly welcome to change the subject of your microcast, or start a new one, it is best for consistent listener engagement if you can stick to it over time. If you are switching up the topic of your microcast often, it may be hard to keep your users loyal. It is important to find a topic that you are passionate and/or knowledgeable about, so keep that in mind. This is essential for a couple of reasons – first, your listeners can tell if you are interested in your subject matter or not. Second, it doesn’t seem much like “work” when you can talk at length without having to do a lot of research about your subject.
One thing that may be a tad difficult at first is sticking to your topic, or fitting everything into the allotted 90 seconds. Don’t worry, you’ll adjust. It may help to make a rough outline, writing down the important points you want to mention. You can also just write out the whole microcast episode. I make a point of doing this – otherwise I wander all over creation and say “um” way too much. Remember, the famous sayings we remember from great men and women were usually part of a speech, but only one or two lines are often quoted. Think of your microcast as those lines. You aren’t writing an entire news article. This is a “just the facts, ma’am” type of situation.
That being said, there are some topics that just can’t be squeezed into one microcast episode. When you do a series of episodes, make sure they are clearly labeled, i.e. part 1, part 2, etc. That way your listeners don’t miss any information. It’s also helpful to give a short intro at the beginning of each microcast in the series, so that if someone hasn’t heard the first episode, they still have a rough idea of where you are coming from, as opposed to just jumping straight in. If nothing else, you can mention that “This microcast follows episode 13, so make sure to give that a listen first!”
Your microcast channel will evolve over time. You may add intro and/or outro music and sound effects. The way you introduce yourself and sign off may change. You may find yourself gravitating towards one aspect of your topic more than others, or you may slowly change the tune of your whole microcast. And that is perfectly fine. The important thing is to give your listeners some continuity. It’s best to make changes one at a time, so they don’t suddenly hear new music and a new introduction and a new topic, all at once. It’s also easier for you to slowly change things, as well. One thing that will help with listener engagement is to ask for feedback, or their opinion. Maybe you have a couple different intros you would like to do, and this is a great time to see what your audience would prefer.
One last thing – don’t put a ton of pressure on yourself to do everything right, and to do it right now. It’s easy to listen to microcasters that seem to have all their ducks in a row and go, “Wow. I sound terrible compared to them.” Remember, they’ve likely had experience, and they went through the same learning process you did. So don’t sweat it. Learn as you go, put forth an effort to change and grow as you see room for improvement, and don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. The road to success is traveled one step at a time – or, shall we say, one microcast at a time?
Sound Quality – Noise Prints
To start, this will sound more complicated than it is. Sound quality, ironically, is more easily shown than written about. To start, find your favorite audio editing software. The arguably most popular is Audacity. Multiple other options are available, but for the most part share the same features.
Sound exists at all times. If you buy a fancy mic, it will hear everything. Even that pesky air that’s floating around everywhere. This will create one of your biggest struggles while podcasting (if not the biggest). The good news is it can be simply deleted. You will be using this to create what I call a “noise fingerprint”. If using the Audacity program I linked above, the process is simple.
Before every episode be sure to record dead air for a few seconds. No talking, movement or pen tapping. Just record nothing.

Highlight the section of audio that you recorded at the beginning (the dead air).

On the toolbar towards the top of the application, select the dropdown for “Effect”.

Next, select “Noise Reduction…”.

A box will pop up with numerous options. In the top portion is an option for “Get Noise Print”. Select it.

You will be returned to your recording, and your screen should look like the picture below.

Now you will want to select your entire project. You can do this by pressing CTRL+A if on a Windows keyboard. The classic click and drag works as well simply by clicking the start of the audio and dragging until the end.

Once all audio is selected you will need to return to the Noise Print Options. As a reminder, this is done by: selecting “Effect” in the toolbar and selecting “Noise Reduction”. You will see a dialog box appear again. Instead of “Get Noise Print”, this time you will select “OK”. You can also preview the first few seconds to be sure any background noise has been removed.

Once “OK” is selected you are returned to your project. This step by step will help remove almost everything. It will not however remove what I call mechanical noise. This is noise created by vibrations to the mic. It can be caused from your mic being on the same desk as you PC or Mac for example. I will go over simple fixes for those problems at a later time.
Ykyz- A place to get it off your chest.
I would list other reasons as number one, two, or three why it is awesome to be a microcaster on ykyz, but I feel like going straight to number four or five: You get to share with other users what you are up today, how you feel, what is bothering you.
When I first started off with my cast I wanted to create professional bits with information on historical events, culture and so on. Then I noticed that people react less to those kinds of casts and react more often to my random rants. I don’t blame them at all as with time I realized that although I am an avid fan of history, it is really easier to prepare a 90 seconds max audio of how I was today or what was on my mind than preparing a mini-lesson on the Austrian Empire and the Austrian national identity or where the name “Russia” comes from.
This is not about easy. Besides all other types of fun one can have on ykyz, I found out it is a great place to vent or to just share. Maybe two or three weeks ago I stumbled upon the cast of this female ykyz-er sharing her doubts and emotion regarding her teenage daughter going through and coming out of depression and suicidal thoughts. I may be an extrovert and a communicative person, but I’ve been through that and I related on the double. I bleated back to her, she bleated too. We talked. We didn’t see each other’s faces, which I think made communication more genuine. We only cared about the message of the other person.
I went on ykyz a couple of times to get it off my chest – me turning 30 or my attempts to tone down alcohol a notch. We have a friendly environment here. Not because of some regulation, not because correctness has been imposed on us, but simply because literally everyone on this platform is a cool, open-minded human being. We do not always agree, but we are perfectly cool about that. You know, as Voltaire once said: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
How to Promote Your Microcast and YKYZ
Why should you promote your microcast? Well, there are a few reasons why. First of all, people won’t listen unless you promote them. I’ll go over ways to do that in a bit, but it can be as simple as an eye-catching title or a relevant topic that gets people talking. Second, promoting your microcast, and thus YKYZ, helps the site, which helps you because if YKYZ is successful, you have a good chance to be a success as well. It’s all intertwined – the circle of life if you will. Last, promoting your microcast is necessary because there is a ton of content out there. People aren’t likely to accidentally stumble across it. You have to shove it right in front of them so they have to stumble upon it. How do you do that? There are quite a few ways, some of which I’ll go into below.
Word of Mouth
I’ve listed this one first because it’s the easiest and the most likely to get results. If you have friends, relatives, neighbors, or work colleagues, mention your microcast in conversation. “What are you doing to stay busy these days?” “Well, I have a microcast on this site called YKYZ – let me send you the link!” Simple as that. If you haven’t already, go here https://blog.ykyz.com/index.php/how-to/email-signatures/ to change your email signature to promote your microcast. It takes maybe five or ten minutes, and then every email you send will have a link to your microcast at the bottom.
Social Media
If you haven’t already, follow YKYZ on Facebook and Twitter. Like and share/retweet the official YKYZ posts, and any of the other YKYZ users’ posts you wish. Start your own account – you don’t have to have an account on every social media site, although that will certainly get you more exposure. However, if you only have time for one, pick a platform you will be most likely to engage with. Spend time gathering followers – this can be as simple as liking or commenting on posts, following users with similar accounts – e.g., if your microcast is about gaming, follow other gamers, etc. Make sure to post at least once a day, and ideally four to five times throughout the day. This can be done in five minutes or less – just click on the drop-down link under your episode, then select the link for either Twitter or Facebook. This eliminates the long link in your posts and makes it look more professional. Try to be engaging – grab people’s attention. Ask questions – people love to give their opinion. Another thing I would suggest is using relevant hashtags. For example, those of you who have historical/education microcasts, try using #homeschooling or #homeschool to get your microcast to parents or teachers who could use it. And, as always, make sure to tag YKYZ in your posts!
Addie from Music and Peace did a great job with this on Reddit, so I won’t go into a lot of detail. https://www.reddit.com/r/YKYZ/comments/esiqc5/linktree_for_your_instagram_and_social_media/ Basically, this allows you to combine all your links for various platforms into one spot. You can just use this link for promotion instead of trying to decide if you should post your Spotify or your iTunes link. It takes maybe 2 minutes to set up each link. Make sure this is posted in your bio/profile on social media as well – I’m not as familiar with Facebook, but I know Twitter has a website option you can put this in.
Upload your microcast to podcasting platforms
There are tutorials in the YKYZ blog on how to do this for some of the more popular sites: https://blog.ykyz.com/index.php/how-to/. Again, this takes maybe five or ten minutes – once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty much autopilot. Some sites require verification, others just let you upload and go. YKYZ automatically uploads to the sites, so once you’ve done it, that’s it. New episodes show up on iTunes or wherever you’ve uploaded every time you upload to YKYZ.
Say Hi to the new users
When you go on the YKYZ site, take the time to go to https://ykyz.com/c/intros. Go through the list of new users and say Hi. Even if that’s all you say! It can be a little intimidating to talk into the void, so to speak, and sometimes new users don’t stay for very long. If you notice a new name, try to engage with them, even if their microcast or comment isn’t something you would necessarily find relevant to you. It’s about being friendly and making them feel at home so they want to stick around. Community is a big thing here, and we want new users to feel welcomed.
Time to take action!
I know we are all busy right now, lives have been rearranged, and things are uncertain. But I’m pretty sure we can all find ten or fifteen minutes a day to promote our microcasts, and, by extension, YKYZ. Any of the action items listed above should take you five-fifteen minutes, and you’ll be surprised by how much progress you will make. It’s encouraging to see your followers grow, and to see people on the site that you know came there because of you. So here’s to YKYZ – and all of us. Let’s all pull together – promote like crazy, let people know there’s a site out there that is friendly, doesn’t censor, and is exciting and engaging – something we are all proud to be a part of. Cheers!
Editor’s Note: Originally posted on 4/1/2020. Updated on 4/13/2020, for sake of clarity.
Why You Should Microcast While It’s Hot!
Everyone today has a YouTube channel, podcast or even a streaming show they push. It is the future of entertainment and nothing will change that. Today the average person can make money from the comfort of their own home by simply making a video and monetizing. Due to the increase saturation however, the market has become almost impossible to jump into. It has adapted the “Rockstar” concept of needing an immense amount of luck to achieve success.
That is not the only thing standing in your way either. YouTube’s adpocalypse and more have hinder even the best YouTuber’s ability to capitalize on advertising. Creators have now adapted to a whole new marketing scheme that goes far beyond Twitch and even Twitter. YouTubers are now streaming on Twitch, Streamers are now reviewing games on YouTube, the industry is changing everyday. New ways of standing out themselves are being saturated.
So now is the time. Depending on the video, it can take an entire day of editing to post content, just for it to be taken down due to rule violations. That’s where YKYZ.com comes into play. Free speech and content creation over the last couple of years has been blockaded behind rules and fear. “I can’t post this video because I’m on my final strike, and could lose my channel.” “This is too political to post, so I’m staying away from it.”
Have your say is so much more than a slogan, it’s a philosophy. You can report long form news on your favorite platform, but why not bring it to a place you can speak freely as well. Watching your tongue to keep your subscriber count up? Let them know they can come to ykyz.com for a little extra conversation where you present how you FEEL about a topic. Everyone reports the news, make your fan base interact with it. Interact not behind a keyboard, but in front of a mic for all to hear.
Most sports seasons are on hold or completely canceled right now. Maybe you do not have enough news to make a normal twenty minute video? Bring it to YKYZ and microcast it. Content should not be hidden behind quantity. The most important things ever said happened in less than ninety seconds.
Microcating is the future of content creation. It can not only be an add on to a service you already offer, but the home to your thoughts and feelings. A home to your new fan base.