Welcome to the 22nd edition of the Cast of the Week Awards.
You can find this week’s nominees can be found at https://ykyz.com/f/cotwxxii.
There were lots of milestones hit these past couple weeks.
Lilith, of Maleficient Gaming brings in her 100th episode discussing Vader Immortal coming to PlayStation VR. Kayla, of Mental Musings, shares a side of math that most probably were not aware of in her 100th episode.
Our favorite Egyptologist, Life in Ancient Egypt rang in his 200th episode by discussing how Egyptians handled death. Asi the Voluptuous Voyager shares a poem that stands out to her in these hard times called “Do not stand at my grave and weep” by Mary Elizabeth Frye. Poegosi the Poet discusses if the site “live me” is worth using. A Brewtiful Mind lets us all know that beer slushies are a thing just in time for the hot summer weather. Just Thinking Aloud shares his plans on what he wants to do in his next 200 episodes. Lastly, MondragonMMA wants everyone to know that the first MMA gyms are opening back up!
Gem, of Fashionmusings, uses her 300th episode to share the history of why doctors wear white lab coats nowadays.
Addie, of Music and Peace, wants to celebrate on ykyz for hitting the amazing 400th episode milestone.
And finally, Kayla, aka Violaceous Curiosity, was the first user to hit the 500th episode milestone where she finally explains the meaning behind her username.
Congrats to all our milestone breakers.
And now, onto the CotWXXII winners! But first, a quick shoutout:
Shoutout to Practical Magic for bringing in a special guest to help out with her cast, Guest witch of the day.
And now, onto the winners! But first, a few honorable mentions:
Honorable Mentions:
210. Being Brainwashed by Voluptuous Voyager discusses the importance of seeking knowledge on your own and not blindly following everything you are taught.
328. Thanksgiving in a Pan – Ish by SmartMoney shares some delicious recipes for quick dinner ideas, including a way to have the taste of Thanksgivings Day Dinner without all the work.
And now, on to the winners:
Bleats of the week:
Do y’all actually like coffee? by Claybro931 got a dozen ykyz’er to weigh in on this seeming eternal question and got some good recommendations for coffee alternatives.
Best/worst pick-up line WINS Starbucks gift card! by Violaceous Curiosity picks up the second bleat of the week award with a giveaway of her own for pick-up lines. Congrats to Poegosi the Poet for the win, make sure to listen to his answer.
For our regular microcast awards, we have:
Third Prize:
322. Parkinson’s Disease – Real Stories. What you Need to Know by Doctor Irish explanations what happens to one’s body as they begin to develop Parkinson’s Disease. The main focus is on highlighting how this disease affects real people in their daily lives both mentally, as well as, physically.
Runner up:
200. Death by Ancient Egypt shares all the details on what happens after a tomb is sealed and why the burial procedures were so important to the Egyptians for their journey to the afterlife.
Grand Prize:
197. Robot Bartenders: Yes or No? by A Brewtiful Mind takes home the grand prize with this timely and informative episode about using robots as bartenders to reduce human contact in alcohol delivery, which may be a feature or a bug, depending on your perspective. Also, make sure to check out Micah’s excellent episodes on Beer Slushies and Puppies on Beer cans.
Cast of the Week XXI
Welcome to the 21st edition of the Cast of the Week awards (Breaking out of Lockdown Edition). Got the sick of home blues? Get outside! But first, read on for a double dose of winners and important info.
You can find this week’s nominees can be found at https://ykyz.com/f/cotwxxi.
Junior Microcaster Prizes
We will be experimenting with a dedicated Junior Microcaster award and might do a summer program. This would be open to anyone 18 or younger. We hope to offer at least one prize per week in this category, and if we get enough participants, we might offer a Junior Microcaster of the summer award. This is a great way for a teen to launch a career in casting. Note that if you take a teenage caster under your wing, you are eligible for our Mentor program, and will get referral credit for anyone you bring on.
And now, on to the CotW XXI winners! But first, some shoutouts:
Shoutout to PracticalMagic for episode 73. It is OKAY to rest! and the reminder that during the pandemic, lowering expectations for what you get done may be the only way to stay sane.
Shoutout to Rebekah of the SmartMoney microcast for a solid review of pay-to-play games in episode 318. Paid to Play Apps – Worth It?
Shoutout to BorisTheBlade for touching a nerve with the title and content of his 175th microcast episode Fat is not beautiful, Adele’s weight loss and Social Justice Warrior fascists pt. 2.
Shoutout to Asi the Voluptuous Voyager for episode 191. Ramblings… and her thoughts about the goal of her cast and reaching out to others.
Shoutout to Mistress of the Microcast for fearlessly asking the question no one else dares to ask in her episode 260. What happened to the Bermuda Triangle?
A few microcasters had episode milestones recently. Shoutouts to Snippets With Sophia, Doctor Irish, and Smart Money for hitting the big 300. Whoot whoot!
And now, on to the winners! But first, a few honorable mentions:
Honorable mentions:
Poegosi The Poet for his intriguing and highly interacted with episode 195. Selling feet pics online strange ways to earn online.
Snippets With Sophia for episode 302. Food-Based Insults, an excellent overview of the many ways to label another nation based on their food preferences, from Limeys to Krouts to Butter Stinkers (who knew!)
ThatbeardedSwede for episode 262. Nordic Walking voice chat debates online! Apparently, this awkward looking activity works not just for the elderly but can be good for fitness if you swap out lightweight poles for ones that weigh as much as mid-sized chickens.
And now, and this time we really mean it, on to the winners:
Bleats of the week:
This award goes to the most listened to (non-microcast) bleat of the past week. Since two weeks have gone by, we have two winners.
Should they be allowed? by Muslim Things
Live now 🔴 Gaming chat at 5 pm Friday! by Maleficent Gaming
Quote of the week:
This award goes to my favorite quote taken from a microcast episode or bleat. The two winners this time are:
“It’s as if you asked me what colors I would want the walls of my apartment painted while there’s a gaping hole in the floors and also the kitchen is on fire”, by Just Thinking Aloud in episode 186. Right/Left Wing and Other Pipe Dreams.
“Covid. I blame Covid. The entire last three months I blame solely on Covid. I mean, don’t you?”, by jenagain in episode 87. Ready or Not, pt 1.
For our regular microcast awards, we have:
Fourth prize:
In episode 242. Street Corn by Black Girl Baker, we get a great explanation of how to debug dense cake as well as a mouth-watering description of how to make homemade Street corn.
Third prize:
In Greek mythology, the Titans were pre-Olympian gods. In episode 260. Story Time: The Titans, Astrocast By Diz tells their wild and disturbing story with a mix of drama and delightfully strange detail.
Second prize:
Addie, of Music and Peace, gets a silver star and second prize for episode 384. Give Addie A Sticker – Rough And Rowdy Controversy, for her excellent contextualization of Bob Dylan’s latest album. In this packed cast, Addie covers the questions of how to judge new work of an old artist, music in the time of pandemics, and, as the title suggests, stickers.
First prize:
A Brewtiful Mind takes top prize for episode 189. Could You Drink 101 Beers in a Week? In it, Micah tells the true tale of a former school track star who drank 101 beers in a week and ran 101 miles in that same week. Mixing self-indulgence, Covid relief (funds were raised), excess drinking, and the return to much-neglected exercise, this cast perfectly captures our current moment.
Behind the Microcast:

Tell us about your accounts. You have a few usernames, don’t you?
Yes! I am known as Violaceous Curiosity and Mental Musings on the site now. Funny enough, Mental Musings started out as Snarky Side Dish by Sandrine, went to Babbling Old Bat and has now settled on the latest incarnation
What do your family and friends know you as?
Everyone knows me as Kayla.
Care to tell us where are you from?
Proudly from Monroe, LA.
Do you have any occupations outside of the microcasting world?
I keep myself busy. I see myself as a sociologist and activist, first and foremost. Then there is being a content creator for YKYZ…and a few other things.
How did you get into microcasting?
I started on YKYZ as a content creator, and when we got the opportunity to start microcasting I jumped on it.
Can you tell us a little bit about what your microcast is about?
Violaceous Curiosity is about fighting injustice from the perspective of intersectional feminism, which is the view that all people are equal regardless of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, class, etc. Mental Musings is my space to speak my mind more like a verbal journal, talking about daily life, random topics that may irk me, and pointing out the ridiculousness of humanity…all with a bit of sass.
What lead you to pick that topic?
As a sociologist and activist, the general topic for Violaceous Curiosity was an obvious choice since it is what I do on a daily basis and have been working on for many years. The other microcast has been an evolution of sorts.
Do you have a favorite thing about microcasting?
The platform on YKYZ allows people to really interact, and you don’t get that with regular podcasts, which takes this to another level. Much of what I am working on centers on starting a conversation and generating ideas, and with YKYZ I am able to do that.
What about a creative process? Do you have one?
I approach the process in more of an academic way with VC since it’s more fact-based, but I always try to find a good quote at the beginning to grab listeners’ attention. With MM I just let my hair down and let it flow.
Do you write scripts?
I have never scripted any episode. I gather my information and my quote, plan an overall idea in my head and let it happen naturally. If I script it I feel it will sound like I am presenting a research paper.
What type of recording equipment do you use?
I use a Samson Q2U microphone that was a lovely birthday gift from a friend.
If you could interview anyone for your microcast, who would it be and why?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg…hands down. She was only the second female Supreme Court Justice, overcame insurmountable odds to get there, and has fought for equality across the board for decades. RBG is fearless, and before Covid-19 hit, I had an appointment to get her initials tattooed behind my left ear.
If you could switch lives with another microcasters on ykyz for just one day, who would you pick and why?
ThatOneGirl– Teresa. She and I are the OGs of the site, so we’ve known each other longer than anyone on there. Plus, I would get to play with her dogs, her cat, AND her chinchillas! Bonus for her and my Dad would be them getting to spend the day together since they are BFFs on the site.
So it’s clear you like animals. Do you have any of your own?
I have 1 semi-inside Tortishelle cat named Southpaw and one full-time outside golden Tabby named Hamilton Jr. After Dad’s back is better we are adopting dogs again.
Let’s talk food. What’s your favorite thing to eat?
This is going to sound really sad, but I really am bored of eating. If I could take a pill every day for my nutrients and be done with it I would. That sounds like I have an eating disorder, which I don’t, but I just am not excited by food anymore.
Can you pick just one color as a favorite?
Purple clearly. I mean I am VIOLACEOUS Curiosity after all. Black and grey are my other favorites.
What are you hiding from everyone? Care to spill your hidden talents?
That I will admit here? Hahaha Well, I was an opera singer at quite a young age, and I have some nerdy talents, like being able to write grammatically correct sentences that are a page long or more and having an unusually exceptional long-term memory (My college communications professor had me tested). Other than those I am quite a medical oddity, and if anyone is curious they should feel free to ask me about it.
What kind of music would people catch you listing to?
Having spent so many years singing opera I now love the male operatic roles, classical, classic rock and folk, and some indie like early Tori Amos.
Do you have a favorite movie or show?
Dead Poets Society and Philadelphia are my favorite movies.
And the last one, What are some of your plans for the future?
I have my sights set on a few things, and continuing to help build YKYZ is a top priority. The past year or so has been a rebuilding process for me since I lost my mother, left the world of academia behind, found solutions to health issues, and discovered how YKYZ and what I want to do with my life work so well together, so I’m honestly just looking forward to working on all of that, getting even healthier, helping my father get healthier, getting more tattoos, and still not having kids…always not having kids. One day down the road I’m determined to have a non-profit in honor of my mother that helps people of any gender with issues of partner and sexual abuse/assault/harassment…but that’s one day.
How to Expand on Your Microcast
We’ve all been there. It’s time to come up with a new episode and…nothing. You’ve chosen a topic for your microcast because it’s something you are knowledgeable and passionate about, and yet – inspiration is dead on its feet. What to do? Here are a few tips that have helped me and hopefully will help you as well.
First, see what’s trending on the news or Twitter. I’ve noticed a lot of microcasters tying their microcasts to current events, and it’s a great way to stay relevant while expanding your reach. Remember, anytime you can add a trending hashtag to your tweets, it gets more views. So pop onto Twitter and see what’s up if you need some inspiration. It might be a stretch, but you can usually find something that will apply to your topic. And if you see a news story related to their genre that you think would inspire a fellow microcaster, by all means, send them the link! That’s what friends are for.
Next, ask for input. Tell your friends, family, fellow microcasters, followers on social media – “I have a microcast on this topic. What are some questions you would have for me? What would you like to hear about?” This will both give you ideas and help make sure you are delivering information to your audience that is appealing and relevant to them. Make sure to give whoever inspired a particular episode a shoutout, tag them on social media, etc. It’s also a good way to give your microcast a little more exposure, as people like to share things that relate to them personally.
You can always look at holidays for inspiration. Trust me, there’s one out there related to your topic. Angelibean keeps a running commentary on these at c/obscureholidays. And unless your microcast is about something very, very unique, you can almost always find a way to tie it into the major holidays as well. Look at it as a way to stretch your imagination a bit and expand your reach.
Make sure you write down ideas that pop into your head. I have topics that come to mind, but if I don’t write them down, poof – into the ether they go. If you’re reading a book or watching a movie or TV show, keep your eyes peeled for anything related to your cast. Write it down, and use it as a springboard for your imagination.
Think outside the box – say you’re watching Game of Thrones (yes, yes, I know, it’s all over now). There is fashion, female oppression and empowerment, history, power struggles, and so much more that can relate to a bunch of different topics – depending on how you look at it. Not to mention that, if you can tie your microcast into a popular movie or show, you can use the relevant hashtags to bring your show to the attention of a larger group of people. Once you get used to watching for things related to your cast, it will become second nature, and you’ll be surprised by how much you notice.
In summary, coming up with new ideas can be hard. But it can be fun as well! See what works for you and what sparks your imagination. If you have any tips for the rest of us, leave a comment, and share your secrets. We’ll be grateful, I promise.
Behind the Microcast:

Starting with an easy question, What is your ykyz username?
Aspie and Proud is my username on ykyz.
What is your name in real life?
And where are you from?
Mind sharing what your occupation outside of microcasting is?
I’m a freelance graphic designer.
How did you get into microcasting?
I saw Fred’s post on a subreddit I was following and got curious. I got into podcast two years ago thanks to my wife (a few of my favorites are The Adventure Zone, My Brother, My Brother and Me, The Magnus Archives…) and thought it would be interesting to make something out of my autism.
Can you tell us what your microcast is about?
It’s about autism in general, from my Asperger perspective.
What made you want to do a microcast on that topic?
I was diagnosed when I was 25, so two years ago, and I felt immense relief when I got a name picked out for what was happening to me. Through my microcast, I want to spread a positive vision of what autism can be, as well as our challenges.
What is one of your favorite things about microcasting?
It made me feel more confident to share my story and to talk out loud! It also helps with my spoken English ahaha. Also, I really appreciate how YKYZ allowed me to know new people, new horizons.
Can you share a bit about your creative process making microcasts?
I start out by thinking of a topic to talk about, then do some research and write my episode(s).
Are you a “using scripts” type microcaster, or do you rather freestyle it?
I do! It really helps me to focus my thoughts and to be precise.
Do you use any special recording equipment to make your episodes?
I have a pretty basic setup: I use Audacity on my MacBook Pro and a set of Apple earphones. They do a pretty good job for now! Though I really want to invest in a good microphone.
If you could interview anyone for your microcast, who would it be and why?
I would choose Daniel Tammet, a British author who’s also Asperger. I love his books and my sister had the chance to meet him. I’ve always been fascinated with his writing.
If you could switch lives with another microcasters on ykyz for just one day, who would you pick and why?
I would switch with DoctorIrish! I love his microcast and would love to see what life is through his eyes.
Are there any furry friends in your life?
Two cats, rescued from the streets!
What’s your favorite food?
Pasta and my mom’s lemon chicken!
Do you have a favorite color?
Care to share any hidden talents you may have?
I can do two things at the same time! I speak four languages!
What type of music can people find you most likely jamming out to?
Rock and roll.
Any favorite movies or shows that you like to watch in your spare time?
Whiplash by Damien Chazelle.
Lastly, what are some of your plans for the future?
Taking things one day at a time, to be honest, aha!!
Cast of the Week XX
Welcome to Cast of the Week 20, the double X!
You can find this week’s nominees can be found at https://ykyz.com/f/cotwxx.
First, some shoutouts.
Shoutout to NerdyOldGuy for episode 267. What YKYZ Means To Gaming. We always appreciate the good vibes coming our way for our free speech ways. Our commitment to a censorship-free community continues to be rock solid.
Shoutout to Joanie Reviews Stuff for her episodes on Non-Online YKYZ Promotion Ideas!, Pt 1 and Pt 2.
And now, on to the winners! But first, an honorable mention:
280. The Mandalorian And Porringers by SnippetsWithSophia
While enjoying an episode of The Mandalorian, Sophia notices something intriguing. In a particular clip, the waitress asks if the guest would like a porringer of bone broth also. Doing what she does best, Sophia starts researching if this thing called a porringer is real or made up. Her detailed description, mixed with humor, makes learning about this new item all the more fun.
Bleat of the Week:
Polygamy; Yay, or Nay by Medievalscientist
Few Bleats this past week captured as much interest as this simple question, To marry, or To marry, marry, and marry? This simple question brought out many different views of the topic. Proving that sometimes even a simple question can spark deep discussions.
Second Prize:
171. My Pineapple Beer – 1st Taste by Voluptuous Voyager
Some say, “desperate times call for desperate measures.” While Asi of Voluptuous Voyager says, “desperate times call for DIY hooch.” During this pandemic-inspired lockdown on South African liquor stores, Asi explains that many South African people are resorting to making their own booze. In her first-ever attempt, Asi loosely follows a recipe for a pineapple beer.
Grand Prize:
365. Burn Out, Or Fade Away? What’s Your Dream? by Music and Peace
In this episode, Addie discusses the idea of whether it’s better for an artist to “burn up” or “to fade away.” The concept of “burning up” happens to a lot of artists that die at a young age right at the height of their fame. She ends the episode with just one important question. Is it better to live your life in a “blaze of glory” or to enjoy your time “in the sun” but also enjoy “the sunset” of life?
Behind the Microcast:

What is your username on ykyz?
My username on ykyz is SmartMoney.
What do your friends and family call you?
I prefer to go by Becky.
Where are you from?
I am originally from the Pennsylvania Area. However, I now call Nebraska my home.
Do you have an occupation outside of microcasting?
I do. It’s one of the hardest jobs there is. A stay at home mom!
What got you into microcast on ykyz?
It’s a quick alternative to blogging, and you get to actually interact with people.
What does your microcast focus on most?
I try to focus on saving money and spending it smart. It’s been a passion of mine for quite some time, especially after I got married and we wanted to buy a house.
Do you have any kind of creative process for your episodes?
It depends. Sometimes the topics come easily, other times I really have to think. I try to stay relevant and address topics like investing as well as tips to save money in small ways.
Do you use scripts when recording episodes?
For me, it’s a must. It’s nice to have a transcribed copy in case I ever want to use these notes, and if I talk “freestyle” I say “um” way too much.
Any other facts you want us to know about?
Well sure! I like fries, my favorite color is blue, I can play the clarinet, and I spend way to much time watching clips of Brooklyn Nine-Nine on YouTube. That’s me in a nutshell.
Cast of the Week XIX
Welcome to the 19th Cast of the Week awards!
You can find this week’s nominees can be found at https://ykyz.com/f/cotwxix.
First, a few words from u/Mattasher for some super important information.
Site news
We are currently redoing our new user experience on the site, to improve first impressions and provide a more intuitive way for people to get up to speed with how to use ykyz and what we have to offer. We are hoping to roll out that change within the next two weeks.
Now, back to u/ThatOneGirl to announce the winners this week. But first, a shoutout:
Shoutout to Brown Skin Pearls for surpassing her 200th episode this week!
Runners up:
157. Fill your cup first… by Voluptuous Voyager
In this episode, Asi the Voluptuous Voyager shares her thoughts on some recent advice being passed along social media that, “once this trying time is over, remember who checked in on you.” Asi ends with the great quote, “You want to come with your cup full, my cup runneth over. What comes out of the cup is for you, what is in the cup is for me.” It is a powerful reminder to take care of ourselves too, not just looking in on others.
121. Voice and 145. My Content is Apparently Against YouTube’s Policies by Just Thinking Aloud
Mark has two insightful episodes this week. In the first one, he questions the real reasons why so many people have a fear of speaking up in public settings. In the second one, he explains why he chooses to use his voice on the ykyz platform instead of other well-known ones. In the end, it all comes down to the core values of ykyz being freedom of speech and not censoring its users for having and sharing their views on matters – even if they are a less popular opinion.
Bleat of the week:
Introducing yourself by gender, race, or sexuality in a public forum is detestable. by The Mini Devlow Show
In the most popular bleat last week (to, ironically, c/unpopular), Devlow shares his opinions on the trend of introducing yourself by “labels” first. In just under a minute, he explains that in most cases it shouldn’t matter what groups you identify with just to share a thought or two with the world.
Second prize:
18. Do you believe in ghosts? by PracticalMagic
Practical Magic shares her and her husband’s experience while looking at a house they were interested in buying. Their personal opinions on haunted houses, mixed with an old wives’ tale that “a ghost in a house brings wealth,” have her wondering if others believe in ghosts. She invites everyone to share their personal ghost stories with her.
First prize:
272. The Desire to Experience a “high” by Doctor Irish
Doctor Irish gets straight to the point in this episode. He wants everyone to know that people can have behavioral addictions to almost anything. A person can become so addicted to “normal day” activities that they start to experience withdrawal symptoms when they try and curb the behavior that gives them the “high” they are after.
Why do you use it?
Have you ever explained YKYZ to someone, and they said, “But WHY do you use it?” Maybe you have answers that just roll off the tip of your tongue, but for the rest of us, here is a quick cheat sheet:
It is the friendliest site out there.
How many social media sites can say this? YKYZ is friendly. The users are engaging, supportive, and thoughtful. You do not leave the site feeling like you have just stepped on someone’s toes and you should avoid them for the foreseeable future or wonder if you somehow offended someone. (although if you did, there’s always c/apologies)
You can talk it out.
Having a conversation with someone by voice chat is different from having a text conversation. You can hear the tone of their voice, which is a big plus – texts can be so hard to interpret sometimes. No need to hunt up the perfect emoji to convey your thoughts – your listener can tell if you are happy, sad, or just plain mad.
You can multi-task!
Okay, judging by the exclamation point, this is a big one for me. It is so nice to be able to both listen and reply without having to be tied down to a keyboard. Yes, you obviously must pay some attention to the site, but I can get so much more done when I do not have to type out and read every response.
There is so much variety.
On other social media sites, you tend to follow people who are like you or have similar interests. On YKYZ, it is just one feed with every single user. No one is left out. Due to this, I have listened to, and enjoyed, microcasts on topics that I would not necessarily have thought I would be interested in. There is something here for everyone.
You do not have to spell.
Okay, this is a bit of a gag reason, but seriously – you can just talk away and not worry about how to spell a word. Unless you are not sure how to pronounce something – then you are on your own. You also do not have to worry about auto-correct changing your words to something awful – you can say what you mean, and it’s not misunderstood.
It is a community.
Granted, YKYZ is still small, and the sense of community is likely possible in a slight measure because of this. However, one thing I have noticed is that people on the site genuinely care about others. If someone is struggling or having a bad day, people go out of their way to support them. There is no negativity – just positive vibes.
It is slightly addicting.
Yes, this falls under good things. Especially when we are mostly stuck inside, it is easy to fall down rabbit holes. If you are on social media, you do not often emerge feeling better. This is why we go on YKYZ – there are so many channels and conversations that you can kill an hour on the site and not feel bad because it’s not a waste of time – you engaged in (mostly) intelligent conversation, and made a connection with real people.
I am sure you can add more to the list, but these are just a few of the reasons why I enjoy the site. What are yours?
Behind the Microcast:

We will start with some easy ones, what is your ykyz username?
My main ykyz username is DoctorIrish. However, I also have a second one that I do reviews on and it’s called ImperfectReviews.
What do people call you in your everyday life?
In my everyday life, my friends and family call me Noah.
Where are you from?
I am originally from Ireland!
What occupation do you have outside of the microcasting world?
Outside of the microcasting world, I am a Doctor.
What got you into microcastings?
While looking up information on “microsatellite” I came across the phrase “microcast”, some further investigation led me to ykyz. I saw the website was pretty new and interesting and the idea of starting a microcast about health topics, stuff a Doctor could answer seemed really appealing to me. Eventually, I got offered a contract and that motivated me to keep on doing it. Now I find it a fun side hobby and a challenge to condense all these complex health information topics into 90 seconds or less.
What is your microcast about?
I always use the phrase “anything a Doctor could answer” because it’s more than just Health and wellness. We’re taught to address every aspect of the patient, including their lives. So, I make my microcast broad and try to talk about lots of different things, not just disease and health, but things like medicine, mental health, medicine and sociology or medicine and anthropology. The possibilities are endless.
What led you to pick the topic you did?
It’s the field in my life I specialize in, that I trained in for so many years. I have a passion for it and I want to keep growing. If I learn to condense information into 90 seconds or less of course that can be helpful also. I think this topic will help me grow as a Doctor and as a person. I’ve also always had a passion for helping people learn. If someone takes information that’s relevant to them from my microcast, then I feel very humbled and happy.
What would you say your favorite thing about microcasting is?
Tough question! There’s a lot to enjoy actually. Challenging myself to fit a topic into 90 seconds is always a satisfying outcome after creating the microcast. Microcasting has taught me a lot, like how to use recording programs, how to be more articulate and speak more confidently. It’s another way to express creativity because I can choose music, the intro, content delivery style and so much more. However, my absolute favorite thing about microcasting is engaging with my community on ykyz. I’m always happy to hear from people that bleat back regarding a microcast I put up. It’s exciting and so humbling that someone would take the time to listen.
Do you have a creative process you use when making a microcast episode?
I do have a formula I follow. First, I keep in mind questions that people have asked me in real life and of course suggestions I receive on Discord and Twitter and other social media. During my day I write on a bunch of post-it notes, ideas for episodes that occur to me also, and they do come up randomly! I ask myself questions a lot. Then, I write a script with bullet points, stick to them and from experience I know how much writing is going to translate into a 90-second microcast. Next comes choosing how I will deliver the information, what kind of intro is catchy and a title that both stands out and is informative.
Do you write scripts for your microcast episodes?
90% of my microcasts are scripted. I write bullet points that help guide me to the next point and in between points although I often improvise. The script is a kind of a template for the topic.
What type of recording equipment do you use?
I use a Blue Snowball Microphone with a pop filter and Audacity is the program that I use to record my microcasts and edit them.
If you could interview anyone for your microcast, who would it be and why?
Really tough question, there are a lot of people I would love to interview, so many actors and actresses definitely because there is definitely a lot to learn about the way they see health, their role in health as a role model, just the topics are endless… I’ll put a pin in that question for now! For now, realistically I would love to interview anyone else that has a passion for health.
If you could switch loves with another microcaster on ykyz for just one day, who would you pick and why?
I have mulled this question over and there are so many. I really enjoyed switching places with AlbaoftheCultureMix and talking about Ireland. I would love to talk about other cultures as I have lived all around the world. For now, I would have to say NerdyOldGuy because I too have a passion for gaming and the idea of being immersed in the industry of gaming, getting to write about it, microcast and get excited about new projects sounds amazing.
Do you have any pets?
Just the one, pet rabbit!
What’s your favorite food or type of food?
Nothing beats a homemade cheeseburger. Maybe a chicken tikka masala with warm naan comes close though.
How about a favorite color?
Black looks good on everything!
Can you share any hidden talents with us all?
I studied music and art for years before I knew what I wanted to do. I play guitar, bass, and even the double bass! I would love to pick up another stringed instrument. As well as that, I can speak French and Irish (maybe not as fluently as in the past).
What type of music do you like listening to?
When I was younger I would have said Nirvana, Dream Theater or Led Zeppelin. But now, after studying music, my appreciation for music in virtually all its forms has made it really impossible for me to pick any one song or band. Nevermind, I pick Led Zeppelin lol.
What are some of your favorite movies or shows?
I watch the same dumb shows over and over again. I’ve watched The Office at least 15 times. I watch Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Parks and Rec, Scrubs, Father Ted and Better Call Saul on repeat too.
Lastly, what are some future plans you have that you wouldn’t mind sharing?
To keep growing the microcast, work on improving the quality and the number of episodes and topics and of course reach out to more potential listeners. I want to help grow ykyz and become more involved in it and be there to see it when it inevitably succeeds! For my professional career, I want to enter into a subspeciality of medicine and help more people.