Cast of the Week XXII

Welcome to the 22nd edition of the Cast of the Week Awards.

You can find this week’s nominees can be found at

There were lots of milestones hit these past couple weeks.

Lilith, of Maleficient Gaming brings in her 100th episode discussing Vader Immortal coming to PlayStation VR. Kayla, of Mental Musings, shares a side of math that most probably were not aware of in her 100th episode. 

Our favorite Egyptologist, Life in Ancient Egypt rang in his 200th episode by discussing how Egyptians handled death. Asi the Voluptuous Voyager shares a poem that stands out to her in these hard times called “Do not stand at my grave and weep” by Mary Elizabeth Frye. Poegosi the Poet discusses if the site “live me” is worth using. A Brewtiful Mind lets us all know that beer slushies are a thing just in time for the hot summer weather. Just Thinking Aloud shares his plans on what he wants to do in his next 200 episodes. Lastly, MondragonMMA wants everyone to know that the first MMA gyms are opening back up!

Gem, of Fashionmusings, uses her 300th episode to share the history of why doctors wear white lab coats nowadays.

Addie, of Music and Peace, wants to celebrate on ykyz for hitting the amazing 400th episode milestone.

And finally, Kayla, aka Violaceous Curiosity, was the first user to hit the 500th episode milestone where she finally explains the meaning behind her username.

Congrats to all our milestone breakers.

And now, onto the CotWXXII winners! But first, a quick shoutout:
Shoutout to Practical Magic for bringing in a special guest to help out with her cast, Guest witch of the day.

And now, onto the winners! But first, a few honorable mentions:

Honorable Mentions:
210. Being Brainwashed by Voluptuous Voyager discusses the importance of seeking knowledge on your own and not blindly following everything you are taught. 

328. Thanksgiving in a Pan – Ish by SmartMoney shares some delicious recipes for quick dinner ideas, including a way to have the taste of Thanksgivings Day Dinner without all the work.

And now, on to the winners:

Bleats of the week:
Do y’all actually like coffee? by Claybro931 got a dozen ykyz’er to weigh in on this seeming eternal question and got some good recommendations for coffee alternatives.

Best/worst pick-up line WINS Starbucks gift card! by Violaceous Curiosity picks up the second bleat of the week award with a giveaway of her own for pick-up lines. Congrats to Poegosi the Poet for the win, make sure to listen to his answer.

For our regular microcast awards, we have:

Third Prize:
322. Parkinson’s Disease – Real Stories. What you Need to Know by Doctor Irish explanations what happens to one’s body as they begin to develop Parkinson’s Disease. The main focus is on highlighting how this disease affects real people in their daily lives both mentally, as well as, physically.

Runner up:
200. Death by Ancient Egypt shares all the details on what happens after a tomb is sealed and why the burial procedures were so important to the Egyptians for their journey to the afterlife.

Grand Prize:
197. Robot Bartenders: Yes or No? by A Brewtiful Mind takes home the grand prize with this timely and informative episode about using robots as bartenders to reduce human contact in alcohol delivery, which may be a feature or a bug, depending on your perspective. Also, make sure to check out Micah’s excellent episodes on Beer Slushies and Puppies on Beer cans.

Cast of the Week IV

CotW IV winners!
You can find all of the nominees for this period at:

u/mattasher writes:
And now, without further ado, here are the winners of CotW IV.

But first, some shoutouts:

Shoutout to Doctor Irish, our Rookie of the Week. The good Doctor blasted through his first level requirements with dozens of high-quality episodes and great community engagement. We were prepared to offer a Rookie Referral bonus to whoever got the doc to pay us a house call, but it turns out he found our job ad directly.

Shoutout to the Dancing Bartender, who was lost at sea for over a week. Good to see him back and contributing more tales of tall ships and life at the corners of the map labeled “Here be monsters”.

Shoutout to CatGuruJoanie for our new favorite intro/outro. You make us purr with delight, and meow like little kittens.

And now on to the CotW winners.

But first, a suggestion. If you are having trouble remembering the best episodes of the last week to nominate, we recommend using the “favorite” feature to Heart your top episodes each week. That makes it easy to review what you liked best, just go to to look back over your faves.

And now on to the CotW winners.

But first, here are the runner’s up:

EP44 protest dressing by fashionmusings
A follow up to last week’s winning entry about fashion police, this one might have taken a top prize again if she’d included some nice juicy examples of specific protest wear.

Ep.5 What is an American? by Alba of The Culture Mix
This brief but thoughtful episode asks the question in its title and gives a few ways to look at it.

Ep 14 Horoscopes vs Astrology by Astrocast By Diz
Diz gets us up to speed with a detailed definition of Astrology and Horoscopes in this content rich, well recorded microcast episode.

And now, on to the CotW winners:
Second prize:
In “Song Reco”, Music and Peace tells the tale behind one of the most famous folk/blues songs of all time. Packed with detail but not overwhelming, Addie’s recommendation takes us back to song’s origins in the 30’s, then forward to the 60s when it became a monster hit for The Animals. Don’t spend your lives in sin and misery, tune in to Addie’s Music and Peace microcast instead.

Grand prize:
There wasn’t much debate about which episode deserved the top spot this past week. Our favorite Millennial Jonathan nailed it with his creative, high effort, perfectly executed episode titled “Grocery”. In just 90 seconds, Jonathan takes us on an epic coffee run that goes from home to the grocery to the annoying self-checkout lane, complete with sound effects and mega stuff Oreos. His checkout total for coffee plus extras may have hurt his wallet, but he’s going to be just fine after taking home this week’s Grand prize.

Thanks for another great week of episodes at ykyz!