
It’s that magical and somewhat exciting moment when someone takes the time to listen to what you have to say and actually respond to it. You are instantly filled with a sense of joy after having your opinion listened to and are thankful that someone took the time to have a conversation with you.
With that being said, this magical moment can sometimes be hard to come by, which is why it is important you do everything you can to maximize the possibility of engagement on your micro casts.  Now that might sound like a daunting task to accomplish and 100 or so questions might be running through your mind about how to do it, but it’s actually quite easy when you break it down a bit.

1.  Ask a question.
Believe it or not, this is one of the easiest ways to get people engaged with your Microcast on YKYZ.  It is also a way to get some pretty unique discussions going on the website, which will only help your channel grow more.

Whether the question is about a current event, a moment in your life or just something you are generally interested in doesn’t matter, what does is that you ask something that a wide group of people are interested in and can solicit a response.

Now, you can do this in several ways, starting with the title of your bleat. For example, you can name it something to the effect of did I go too far. Or what would you do in this situation? Or even something along the lines of should I apologize for what I did. Not only will this make other users curious, but it also gives them an incentive to listen through the cast and answer the question.

Secondly, make sure to leave an audio reminder to your audience about your question. Maybe make it rhyme like let me know in the bleats below. It just has to be something that reminds your audience to engage with you at the end of the bleat.

Lastly, promote the living hell out of it! Send it to some relevant Facebook or even put it with a few hashtags on Twitter. Just something to get the word around about the conversation.

2. AMA’s
Do you have a unique point of view? Of course, you do. We all honestly do to some extent and that is something you can use to drive engagement to your channel. All you have to do is is say that you are such and such and are opening yourself up to questions about a specific subject.

For example, let’s say you’re a former Trump supporter that is planning on voting for Bernie Sanders in the upcoming election. All you have to do is record a bleat saying the above statement and invite your fellow microcasters to ask you anything about the topic.

This will surely get a discussion buzzing on the website, open the door to new listeners stumbling upon your channel for the first time and even some of the most engaging and fruitful conversations you have had in quite a while. It’s all here waiting for you!

3. Relevant topics.
There’s a lot of news that happens in a 24 hour period and some microcasters like to take it upon themselves to report upon it. This has overwhelmingly proven to be a good thing, especially with engagements on previous topics and could be a great way to help grow your channel.

Maybe it’s something stupid some politician did, a global incident or just something you find hypocritical. Either way, it is a way to put out interesting content that fellow microcasters will want to engage with. Furthermore, it could even lead to news stories becoming your channels bread and butter.

In the end, not every relevant topic you pull out is going to be successful and it’s going to be a lot of hit and miss along the way. However, it is very worth it once you find your stride and are able to actually get people to engage with the news story.

4. Take requests.
Several microcasters have done this already and it is honestly one of the easiest ways to get fans engaging with your content. Not only is this due to the fact that it gives fans a sense of power to pick what kind of topics you do, but it also shows them that you care about their opinion.

If nothing else, that’s a strong way to build a relationship with your audience and could definitely help drive up engagements if the right subjects are presented. It even invites your fans to find your social media pages and request more topics there, which allows you to slowly grow an audience.

5. Get creative.
Everyone wants to reinvent the wheel and that is honestly been some of the most compelling content on YKYZ so far. In fact, between Brewful Mind’s beer quiz and Music and Peace’s live covers, it’s pretty safe to say that YKYZ is breaking the mold on what a microcast can be.

Of course this question is different for everyone, but what is that you think you can do to separate yourself from the pack?.  Maybe it’s interviewing random people on the street. Or, maybe it’s playing around with sound clips from the daily news videos, but do something that makes you unique and worth engaging with.

In the end, microcasters are still raising the bar on how to engage fans, which makes this an ongoing process, but this should at least give you a running start when it comes to getting the most engagement out of your episodes. As always. let us know your thoughts in the comments below and feel free to send over any suggestions of what you think we should cover next.

For those about to microcast, we salute you!

Hello and welcome to the exciting world of microcasting! A world where you create conversations one bleat at a time. Think of podcasts, but smaller and more condensed and you have the basis for what a microcast is.

It’s easily digestible information for everyday life and everyone can get involved in one way or another. For example, think of a topic you are passionate about. Maybe it’s a polical cause, a TV show you love or even something you want an opinion on.

Now that you have topic in mind, imagine talking about the topic for a couple minutes. After that, imagine meeting people that also share these points of view or even someone who doesn’t! You now have a chance to have a conversation about it!

And that’s the best part about this. Creating a conversation and learning about different walks of life. Keep in mind that experiences are an important part of life and it’s impossible to experience everything there is to.

That’s why you need other perspectives to help shape your worldview. Here at YKYZ, you have a chance to create these conversations, meet new people and have fun doing it. Sure, maybe you embarrass yourself once or twice, but the point here is growth and meeting interesting people!

So go out there and create something awesome. Ask a question, talk about something funny that happened today or even rant about something you find to be ridiculous. Just have fun and create that conversation.

With that being said, I hope you enjoy everything this site has to offer. I also hope you will use the opinions and life lessons heard on these microcasts to challenge your world view. You might just see things differently!