Helping One Another

Have you ever seen a new microcaster come and go in one day? It is always the same complaint: “I don’t understand how this works.” Maybe together we can come up with “training program” for new comers. We all want the same thing. To be as successful as possible. YKYZ is extremely easy to use…after you learn all the places to go.

I feel the goal is to have new creators find their way to YKYZ the same way they find their way to YouTube. Random creators, or even consumers, may find microcasting interesting yet find the site overwhelming. I’ve seen so many other casters reach out and offer help. This fills me with so much joy, but then I still never see the “newb” again. This leaves me perplexed. The only reasoning I can think of is they’re too afraid to ask for more help. Maybe too afraid of making a mistake for all to see.

I would love to hear from anyone ideas on how to keep retention higher. This is an amazing platform that makes podcasting insanely easy, and everything I have heard so far from content creators here is extremely creative. Please share with me anything that would help retain a userbase.

I would enjoy seeing a mentor type system or a training plan or even walk through for new users. Obviously, some of this is extremely far fetched, but the community here is so creative, I have faith we can do it. What outside of the box ideas do you have? My personal short coming is with helping keep new casters that have a different “type” content from mine excited to come back. I am trying better to reach out to anything “nerdy” and keep the conversation going with newer users.

What ideas do you have? Is there something you would like to see from the rest of the community? For the newer users, what was the hardest part of using YKYZ, and what can be done to help ease that transition? Maybe something beyond just the blog. Something that is more hands on to help one another out. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have ideas or input. I would love to be a part of helping keep retention higher.

One thought on “Helping One Another”

  1. Personally, I would love to draw up a sort of “manual” to help new ones. I think this would give them the confidence to keep going and understand how it all works. It would also be helpful to have someone to contact (one-on-one) since doing it in public on the meta channel may be embarrassing for those that already feel unconfident. Let me know if I can help!

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