Starting with an easy question, What is your ykyz username?
Aspie and Proud is my username on ykyz.
What is your name in real life?
And where are you from?
Mind sharing what your occupation outside of microcasting is?
I’m a freelance graphic designer.
How did you get into microcasting?
I saw Fred’s post on a subreddit I was following and got curious. I got into podcast two years ago thanks to my wife (a few of my favorites are The Adventure Zone, My Brother, My Brother and Me, The Magnus Archives…) and thought it would be interesting to make something out of my autism.
Can you tell us what your microcast is about?
It’s about autism in general, from my Asperger perspective.
What made you want to do a microcast on that topic?
I was diagnosed when I was 25, so two years ago, and I felt immense relief when I got a name picked out for what was happening to me. Through my microcast, I want to spread a positive vision of what autism can be, as well as our challenges.
What is one of your favorite things about microcasting?
It made me feel more confident to share my story and to talk out loud! It also helps with my spoken English ahaha. Also, I really appreciate how YKYZ allowed me to know new people, new horizons.
Can you share a bit about your creative process making microcasts?
I start out by thinking of a topic to talk about, then do some research and write my episode(s).
Are you a “using scripts” type microcaster, or do you rather freestyle it?
I do! It really helps me to focus my thoughts and to be precise.
Do you use any special recording equipment to make your episodes?
I have a pretty basic setup: I use Audacity on my MacBook Pro and a set of Apple earphones. They do a pretty good job for now! Though I really want to invest in a good microphone.
If you could interview anyone for your microcast, who would it be and why?
I would choose Daniel Tammet, a British author who’s also Asperger. I love his books and my sister had the chance to meet him. I’ve always been fascinated with his writing.
If you could switch lives with another microcasters on ykyz for just one day, who would you pick and why?
I would switch with DoctorIrish! I love his microcast and would love to see what life is through his eyes.
Are there any furry friends in your life?
Two cats, rescued from the streets!
What’s your favorite food?
Pasta and my mom’s lemon chicken!
Do you have a favorite color?
Care to share any hidden talents you may have?
I can do two things at the same time! I speak four languages!
What type of music can people find you most likely jamming out to?
Rock and roll.
Any favorite movies or shows that you like to watch in your spare time?
Whiplash by Damien Chazelle.
Lastly, what are some of your plans for the future?
Taking things one day at a time, to be honest, aha!!